麟工国际Lingong World
宏基窑炉2010年成立于山东窑炉的发展基地——巨野。多年来,宏基窑炉在砖瓦窑炉行业创造了十四项第一,缔造了多个节能窑炉的行业标准;可以说宏基窑炉的发展经历代表了 中国节能砖瓦窑炉的历史。在砖瓦窑炉行业 中,“麟工”牌隧道窑被定义为“节能降耗”的同 义词;被一向以追求经济实用著称的砖瓦窑炉 俱乐部冠以“砖瓦窑炉节能降耗第一品牌” 的 美誉。宏基窑炉融汇了世界各国砖瓦隧道窑精华和一代代设计师的智慧才智,成为砖瓦窑炉 工业的领导性品牌。
Hongji Kiln established in year 2010 and located at Juye town base of kiln development in Shandong province.In the past years,Hongji Kiln created fourteen first in the tile and brick kiln industry and several industry standards of Energy Saving Kiln; In other words, the development of Hongji Kiln represents the history of China Energy Saving Kiln in tile and brick industry. In the tile and brick kiln industry, “Lingong” Brand tunnel kiln is defined as “Energy saving;Consumption reducing”; It also reputed as “First brand of energy saving and consumption reducing brick kiln” by brick kiln club which is know as pursuit of economy and utility.Hongji Kiln integrates the essence of brick tunnel kilns all over the world and wisdom of generations designers, becomes top brand in the tile and brick kiln industry.
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